Wednesday, December 31, 2008


As I stumble across Pruned: mentioning the projects as introduce by Marcus Trimble: Ocean Pools of Sydney: The ocean pools of Madeira (Sydney) can be considered as a precedent for the theme of transition... (somewhat reminding me of the of infinity pools)

other examples:
copenhagen's harbour pool by danish architects BIG...

Badeschiff in the Berlin Spree river, imagine it being towed through the channels of Amsterdam...

...coincidentally my current reading: Topographical Stories by David Leatherbarrow:
offers a new way of thinking and reconsideration of the proximities of Landscape Architecture and Architecture. Their realiance on each other to form a single framework of cultural meaning. Redefining landscape architecture and architecture as topographical arts, sharing a task - which is to accommodate and express the patterns of our lives. As landscape is important to architecture, as its attention to the materiality, spatiality and temporarily of terrain may increase the architecture's cultural content...(more to come when i actually read it)

...which reminds me of my recent fascination with the Water Landscapes: redesigning aquariums... please see ...and there are many more. Apparently there is a whole lot of people out there creating these Aquascapes... awarding prises based on the harmony and balance created between positive and negative space...

which brings me to another reading.... The Tao of Architecture by Amos Ih Tiao Chang...

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